20 Dance Bag Essentials

I’ve always said that a dancer’s accomplice is their dance bag. Like seriously, I bring that thing with me everywhere.

Throughout my dance career, I have always kept a few things in my dance bag that have been my saving graces in desperate times. My dance bag is a crucial part of my dancing career, and I wanted to share my dance bag essentials with all of you!

  1. Your dance shoes
    • this one’s a given
  2. One full water bottle
    • always always always stay hydrated
  3. One empty water bottle
    • I always like to have an extra one in my bag that’s empty (so it doesn’t add weight) in case someone forgets theirs or I forget to bring one
  4. A small first aid kit and/or band-aids
    • always good to be safe and protect yourself
  5. ICY HOT
    • again, another given 😉
  6. A small kit of hair supplies (hair brush, bobby pins, hair net, hair ties, and a small thing of hairspray)
    • you never know when you’ll need to do a quick bun!
  7. A pen and paper
    • in case you need to take notes or write something down
  8. A binder
    • I call this my emergency binder, and in it I keep a few head-shots, resumes, monologues, and sheet music. You never know if someone asks for your info after a professional class or you forget something on a spontaneous audition
  9. Hand sanitizer
    • germs are gross
  10. An extra outfit of dance clothes
    • i.e. leggings and a sports bra
  11. A black leotard and tights
    • again, you never know
  12. A few dollars
  13. Necessary toiletries (lip stick, chapstick, tampons, deodorant, etc.)
  14. Headphones
    • a must
    • i.e. bars, almonds, etc. (nothing perishable)
  16. Advil
    • in case you hurt yourself or have a head-ache
  17. A stretchy band
    • good for if you have time to stretch before/after class
  18. A phone charger
  19. A nail file/clippers
    1. OMG this is a must!! A totally necessity if you do pointe. I can’t tell how many times I’ve needed to chop of my toe nails before pointe class so my feet don’t die.
  20. A pair of socks